自动步梯清洁机 LP-460 Escalator Cleaner
随着自动步梯的不断发展、改良、完善,为了有效维护自动步梯 的历久常新,其日常的清洁保养工作备受重视。LEAP公司融入了最新的技术与时尚的设计理念,改变了人工清洁的传统方式,精心制造出LP-460自动步梯机。
● 适合清洁各种不同规格的自动步梯。
● 机身轻巧,可以折叠摆放,方便运输。
● 此机特有两个起渍滚刷及大功率吸尘装置,对付顽固的污渍或日常的清洁维护,有着特殊攻效。
● 特殊防尘装置设计,有效防止在清洁过程中微尘外泻。
● 内置双重微尘过滤系统。
● 内置设防音装置,有效减低噪音。
● 在正常情况下,只要将本机放置在运行中的自动步梯机上进行清洁,只需要15分钟即可以轻松完成自动步梯机的清洁工作,使自动步梯机恢复清洁光亮,省时省力。
With the developing of automatically lifting, it is necessary to know how to maintain the automatically lifting, Daily cleaning and maintenance is also important. LEAP Company designed a kind of machine according to the advanced technical and fashion style, it will change the traditional and fashion style, it will change the traditional style, which cleans by man.LP-460
● Automatically lifting cleaner is fit to clean all kinds of escalators.
● Its weight is light. It can be fold and is easy to transport.
● The machine with two rolling brushes which are used to collecting the dirties and the dust catching equipment with big power has special effect to eliminate the hard dirt of the everyday cleaning and upholding.
● Inside there is a double system to filtrate the small dust.
● Besides there is an equipment to prevent the sound, is valid to reduce the noise.
● In the normal state, you only put the machine on the moving escalator and then it can clean the escalator automatically.
● The whole process only needs no more than 15 minutes.
型号 Item No: LP-460
名称 Name:Escalator Cleaner 自动步梯清洁机
工作宽度 Working Width: 45cm
总功率 Power: 2000W
容量 Volume: 20L
电线长度 Cable: 15M
电压 Voltage: 220V/50HZ
净重 Weight: 35KG
绝缘等级 Safe Standards: 1级
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